Shutterized @gnosischain - making Gnosis Chain more secure and user friendly using an encrypted mempool.

15 Nov 2023, 14:23
Shutterized @gnosischain - making Gnosis Chain more secure and user friendly using an encrypted mempool. A talk by @AnotherJannik from @project_shutter

Same news in other sources

GnosisGNO #100
16 Nov 2023, 12:40
key takeaways from @vijaymichalik head of product @Superfluid_HQ talk on ‘Less Tokenomics, More Money’ @EFDevconnect Decentralized Scaling Summit hosted by @gnosischain 👇
key takeaways from @vijaymichalik head of product @Superfluid_HQ talk on 'Less Tokenomics, More Money' @EFDevconnect Decentraliz
key takeaways from @vijaymichalik head of product @Superfluid_HQ talk on ‘Less Tokenomics, More Money’ @EFDevconnect Decentralized Scaling Summit hosted by @gnosischain 👇
GnosisGNO #100
16 Nov 2023, 10:57
Decentralized Scaling Summit! With @GnosisDAO and all the great people
Decentralized Scaling Summit. With @GnosisDAO and all the great people.
Decentralized Scaling Summit! With @GnosisDAO and all the great people
GnosisGNO #100
16 Nov 2023, 10:52
Catch us later today at the Decentralized Scaling Summit powered by @gnosischain (, where @felipefg will be speaking about running LLMs and LM libraries out of the box on a general-purpose VM. See you there!
Catch us later today at the Decentralized Scaling Summit powered by @gnosischain (), where @felipefg will be speaking about runn
Catch us later today at the Decentralized Scaling Summit powered by @gnosischain (, where @felipefg will be speaking about running LLMs and LM libraries out of the box on a general-purpose VM. See you there!
GnosisGNO #100
16 Nov 2023, 08:57
Reminder 👇👇👇 Our remaining shuttles today will depart from the ICC to Kolektif House Maslak at 11:30AM and 2PM! ​🚍Second Shuttle - 11:30am 🚍Final shuttle - 2:00pm ​Alternatively we advise that you take the metro, taxi or uber to the venue on your own schedule!
Reminder. Our remaining shuttles today will depart from the ICC to Kolektif House Maslak at 11:30AM and 2PM.
Reminder 👇👇👇 Our remaining shuttles today will depart from the ICC to Kolektif House Maslak at 11:30AM and 2PM! ​🚍Second Shuttle - 11:30am 🚍Final shuttle - 2:00pm ​Alternatively we advise that you take the metro, taxi or uber to the venue on your own schedule!
GnosisGNO #100
16 Nov 2023, 08:45
Hello @gnosischain
Hello @gnosischain.
Hello @gnosischain
GnosisGNO #100
15 Nov 2023, 16:01
Privacy by design, not by promise. Tomorrow @0x6b8 will deliver two talks on how a dApp on @gnosischain is building without cutting corners on privacy. Starting with users access on a consumer dApp. 𓅓 11:30-12:10 @GnosisDAO Summit 𓃠 14:30-15:00 @FISSIONcodes @IPFS
Privacy by design, not by promise.
Privacy by design, not by promise. Tomorrow @0x6b8 will deliver two talks on how a dApp on @gnosischain is building without cutting corners on privacy. Starting with users access on a consumer dApp. 𓅓 11:30-12:10 ➜ @GnosisDAO Summit 𓃠 14:30-15:00 ➜ @FISSIONcodes @IPFS